Bloody Sunday March
Bloody Sunday March
Book Signing
Book Signing
CBS News affiliate Interview
CBS News affiliate Interview
Dinner discussion with at-risk boys
Dinner discussion with at-risk boys
Entrepreneurial Training Camp
Entrepreneurial Training Camp
Entrepreneurial Boot Camp
Entrepreneurial Boot Camp
Receiving Mover and Shaker Award from the Caribbean Media Network
Receiving Mover and Shaker Award from the Caribbean Media Network
Arriving at Ferguson, MO to support the family of Michael Brown
Arriving at Ferguson, MO to support the family of Michael Brown
Wine and Wisdom - Bronners Bros Hair Show featured speaker
Wine and Wisdom - Bronners Bros Hair Show featured speaker
Speaking to teens
Speaking to teens
Sitting on a panel
Sitting on a panel
Marching for Peace
Marching for Peace
Leading a discussion at PRIDE Book Club
Leading a discussion at PRIDE Book Club
Keynote Speaker at the Department of Labor
Keynote Speaker at the Department of Labor
Interview on Radio One
Interview on Radio One
Facilitating a Workshop at Urban League
Facilitating a Workshop at Urban League